Sunday Services Update: New Option

Hello Beacon Family!

We love you and miss you all! We're continuing to plan and adjust as new information comes our way. As you may have heard, the officials have given some new direction that applies specifically to churches. Little by little, we're going to be moving toward being back in worship together in our sanctuary. We're not there yet, but we can't wait!

We'll be continuing our online services. This will not change. It's been great to gather together, even if it is only online. We've enjoyed watching as you greet and encourage one another there in the comments section. Our online services will continue to be held at 9 and 10:30am at We'd love to have you join us there.

This Sunday, we'll sing 2 worship songs together... "Good Grace" and "We Believe".  We'll be looking together at Joshua 1, "God's Call and Commission to Joshua", where God provides encouragement, both direction and truths to remember, as we find ourselves in moments of discouragement and adversity.

Starting this Sunday, for at least the next 2 weeks, we're going to add an additional option for those that feel they would be encouraged by this. If you'd like, you can join others, "together", each in your own cars, in the Church parking lot at 9am or at 10:30am to watch the online service on your own web enabled devices (phones/tablets). It's not the same thing as being together in our sanctuary, but for some it could feel like a step in that direction. If you'd find encouragement in being together in this way, we'd encourage you to come.

As you drive in, please remember that we need to respect the guidelines that we've been given. Here are a few details to remember...

  1. You will need to stay in your vehicles.
  2. If your windows are down, you'll need to park 6' away from one another.
  3. As you are able, drive around and wave. Find faces to greet. A smile and a wave can be a huge encouragement to yourself and others.
  4. Maybe you want to come a little early and stay a little later to greet others before and after the service, from your car, as you drive around. This way, during the actual service, everyone can be engaged in worship through singing and reflection upon the Word.
  5. If your cars are 6' away from each other, put your windows down and sing so others can hear! 🙂 There's something unique and wonderful about corporate worship singing!

Again, there will be NO ACTUAL SERVICE at the church. Those that come, will watch the service on their own devices inside their vehicles.

Let's continue to love Jesus and love others until we can truly be together once again.

In Him,
Pastors Pete, Rob and Josh

Rob Thompson



