Outdoor Service... Join us on September 22 at 10:15 AM for an outdoor service! We'll be gathering to worship God in his creation together in one service. Beacon Kids will be held as usual.
Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPs) 2024-2025 Kick Off... Join us on Thursday, September 19 from 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM as we kick off our new MOPs season. MOPs is group for women who are pregnant through mom's of kindergarten students. It is a great time of fellowship, support, and learning and childcare is provided! If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Rebecca Cervone at 609-618-5304.
Crisis Pregnancy Center Walk for Life... As a church, we are excited about Crisis Pregnancy Services life-giving mission by supporting the Walk for Life! This years Walk will be on Sept 21 at Patriot Lake. YOU can help make this possible. Your support of the Walk for Life will impact lives today and for many generations to come. Go to the Friends of CPS Event Page and in just five minutes, you can set up your personal fundraising page. Simply send a link via your social media or email to friends, family members, co-workers and neighbors. All of the services Crisis Pregnancy Services offers are completely free of charge. The funds you raise help make this possible. Please join us to Walk for Life!
Newcomers Reception... Have you been visiting Beacon recently? We'd love to have you join some of our Pastors, Staff, and Elders at a reception on Sunday, September 22, directly following our 2nd Service (11:30 AM). Light refreshments will be served. Please sign up at www.beaconefc.org/newcomers to let us know you plan to attend.
Sisters in Christ Widows Fellowship... Join us as we will be gathering at Jerri Rugani‘s house on Tuesday, September 24 at 1:30 PM. All widows are encouraged to join us! For more information or directions please call Jerri at 305-504-3217.
Rooted Beginning... Our Fall session of Rooted will begin on September 25!! We will be having a men's and women's Bible study in addition to the Beacon Kids and Youth Group programming. If you are planning to join us, please let us know by signing up HERE.
SOAP Project Outreach at Stockton... On September 28 from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM, the NJ Coalition Against Human Trafficking (NJCAHT) is hosting a SOAP Outreach event. This event is a unique, hands-on community program that allows groups of any size to fight human trafficking locally and potentially recover victims. Human trafficking has been reported in both poverty stricken urban area motels as well as in suburban upscale hotels. With that in mind, they aim to educate those working in these locations on the signs of trafficking, arm them with the resources to fight it, and give victims a way out. More information about NJCAHT is available HERE, more information about SOAP, is available HERE. If you would like to register to attend, you can do so HERE.
Vintage (65+) October Lunch Date & Time Change... Our lunch will take place on October 16th (Wed) at 12:30 rather than the previous Friday). More info will follow later.
South Jersey FCA 5K Run/Walk... Save the date to support South Jersey FCA! Join us on October 19 at 10:00 AM for a fun 5K run/walk to support the ministry of FCA in South Jersey. You can find the details and registration information HERE.
Short-Term Missions Trip Opportunity... We are organizing a Short-Term Missions Trip to Santiago, Dominican Republic. The trip will be Oct 18-25. Time is short, and space if limited, so if you are interested, you should apply immediately. The ultimate goal is to help RMI get established there. We'll be visiting churches, doing evangelism, and encouraging Christians. If you are interested, see Rob Thompson (rob.thompson@rmibridge.org). You may also apply at www.rmibridge.org/tripportal
Women's' Fall Study... Join us as we will be meeting on Wednesday mornings (every other week) from 9:30 - 11:00 AM and on Wednesday evenings during Rooted, 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM. We will be looking at Forgiving What You Can't Forget by Lysa TerKeurst. The start date will be Wednesday, Sept 11 in the Coffeehouse and Wednesday evening will begin Sept 25, but if you are interested please sign up HERE. The book and study guide can be ordered on Amazon (click HERE) or Proverbs31.org (click HERE). Please call the church office at 609-748-0001 if you have any questions.
MOPs Childcare Helpers... MOPs is getting ready to kick off for the 2024-2025 season and we are in need of some help. We provide childcare for the moms who attend and we are in need of some help. If you would be able to help care for our kids while we meet, please contact the church office (609-748-0001) or Rebecca Cervone (609-618-5304).
Grief Share... We are starting a new session on September 9, 2024. This will be a 13 week program and will run 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM. The group will be offered online via Zoom. If you are interested in attending you can sign up at GriefShare.org.
DivorceCare... The fall DivorceCare/Separation Group is going to begin meeting on September 10, 2024 for a 13 week program. We'll be gathering from 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM in the Prayer Room. Our meetings will be available on Zoom, as well. If interested in signing up, you can do so at Divorcecare.org.
Young Adults Gatherings... Did you know that Beacon Young Adults gather every 1st and 3rd Friday at 7 PM at the home of Lance and Meghan Chambeau? Spread the word. For more info, call or text Lance at (732) 678-3377.
Hope Chest Needs... The Hope Chest no longer accepting spring an summer clothing. We will begin accepting fall and winter clothing on September 9.
Sunday Set List... "Our God Saves", "There’s Something About that Name", "I Speak Jesus", "In Christ Alone", and "Praise”.